

Artwork named "The Comedian": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette carrée double)

“The Comedian”

Artwork named "DeepSeek": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou (accueil))



Artwork named "Street view": cybertrash wall sculpture by the french sculptor Tassou. (accueil double)

“Street View”

Artwork named "Paco": cybertrash wall sculpture by and with Rémy Tassou accueil double)


Artwork named "Bull": cybertrash wall sculpture by and with the french sculptor Tassou (main view) (UNE)


Artwork named "BIOTECH": cybertrash wall sculpture by and with the french sculptor Tassou (principale) (main view) (UNE)


Artwork named "Crocus": cybertrash wall sculpture by the french sculptor Tassou. (vignette)


Artwork named "Lumilux": cybertrash wall sculpture by and with the french sculptor Tassou (vignette)



Artwork named "Idagio : cybertrash wall sculpture by and with Rémy Tassou (acceuil double)


Artwork named "Prompt" : cybertrash wall sculpture by and with Rémy Tassou (verticale double)


Artwork named "Summit ": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)

Artwork named "Deezer" : cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. View from an angle. (vue principale) (vignette)


Artwork named "Kodak": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. (a 3/4 view, main view) (Vignette)


Artwork named "Spintronic ": cybertrash Totem by Rémy Tassou. (main view)(vignette)


Artwork named "Grundig ": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. (verticale double)



Work named "PAF": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. View from an angle.(main view) (accueil double)


Work named "Bluesky": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. View from an angle.(main view) (accueil double)


Artwork named "Spotify": cybertrash Totem by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 view of one of its two (Main View) (vignette)


Artwork named "Club": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou (main view) (vignette)


Artwork named "BlackBerry" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou (accueil vignette)


Artwork named "Rigolophone ": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette carrée double)


Artwork named "Donbass": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view) (vignette carrée pleine largeur)



Artwork named "Pegasus": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette double)


Artwork named "Codex": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette).


artwork named "DEEE": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by sculptor Rémy Tassou. A 3/4 view (main view vignette)


Artwork named "Meta": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by and with the sculptor Rémy Tassou. A 3/4 perspective view (main view) (acceuil double)


Artwork named "Mamiya": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. A 3/4 view. (vignette)


Artwork named "Geek": Cybertrash totem sculpture by Rémy Tassou. One 3/4 view (main wiew)



Artwork named "Covid Detector": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.

“Covid Détector”

Artwork named "Varilight": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Coolpix": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)


Artwork named "Cybertrashphone": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Puzzle": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Polychrome": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Gertrude": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. (carré double)


Artwork named "Organic": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.




Artwork named "Claude": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main View.


Artwork named "Datalife" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Lightroom" : cybertrash wall sculpture Rémy Tassou : main view (vignette)

Loading "Slack" - Thanks to wait


Artwork named "Miniwatt": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 view of a face. Main View.


Artwork named "Yutu" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Sycamore" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view)


Artwork named "Northwood": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Widget": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Chargement de "Mémoire de masse " - Merci de patienter

“Mass memory


Artwork named "Fairchild": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "InSight": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Univac" : Cybertrash totem by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 View.


Artworks named "Babyliss": Barrettemural sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artworks named "Babyliss": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Collect": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Greentech": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou

In data We Trust : totem cybertrash by the sculptor Rémy Tassou (one 3/4 view)

“In Data We Trust”

Sculpture murale SPECTRE by Tassou



Artwork named "Panasonix": cybertrash totem by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Univac bleu" : totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 view (main view)


Artwork named "Pal" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette).


Cybertrash, Vortex , mural sculpture from remy tassou.


Œuvre nommée "Nokia" : sculpture murale cybertrash de Rémy Tassou.


Composition of E-block (886 887 88) , sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou


Artwork named "Scratch" : cybertrash low table by the scultor Rémy Tassou. Main View


Artwork named ""Turn Table" : tae table cybertrash by Rémy Tassou.

“Turn Table”


Artwork named "Kraken": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view)


Commodore : artwork, totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou (3/4 view)


Artwork named "Barlow": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou (3/4 view) (main view)


Artwork named "Sequana": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view)


Artwork named "Farad": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou (3/4 view) (main view)


Faggin : totem cybertrash byRémy Tassou (3/4 view) (main view)


Artwork maned "Tesla": cybertrash sculpture by Rémy Tassou (3/4 view) (main view)


Artwork named "Bing": cybertrash sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view)


Artwork named "Enigma": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou (3/4 view)


Artwork named DeapMind" : Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view)


Artwork named "Dip": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou


Artwork named "Pola": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou



Artwork named "Red Lights" : Cybertrash mural sculpture by and with Rémy Tassou. Main view.

“Red Lights”

Cybertrash artwork named"Lock" : totem from sculptor Rémy Tassou


"Zettaoctet" (842) : Totem Cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. View of a face.


Artwork named "Roadrunner": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "CU46" : totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Hitech": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Whatsapp": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Octacore": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Imsicatcher" : totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. Main view


Artwork named "Motors" : totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. Main View.


Artwork named "EXPOLAROID" : Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main View.


Artwork named "BlackBerry" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou (main view) (vignette double)


Artwork named "Firefox ": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)




Artwork named "Philae": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view)


Artwork named " Android ": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view) (vign)


Artwork named "ALIBABA": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Firechat": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 view


Artwork named "Core": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. View of one face


Artwork named " Maxdata": Cybertrash totem sculpture by Rémy Tassou. One face view.


Artwork named "Tagsys": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Dario": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named " Motraxx ": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named " NIKON ": Cybertrash totem sculpture by Rémy Tassou. One 3/4 view( Main view)


Artwork named " SKYDRIVE ": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Seiko": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view).


Artwork named "Parator": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 view (Man view)


Artwork named "Red eyes": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 view (main view)

“Red Eyes”

Artwork named " E-Recollection ": Cybertrash totem sculpture by Rémy Tassou. A angular view (main view)


Artwork named "Impulse": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Maxtor": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 view (main view)




Artwork named "Big Data": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 view (Main vieuw)

“Big Data”

Artwork named "Plug and Play" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.

“Plug And Play”

Artwork named " Mooc": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view)


Artwork named "Airlock"; totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 view (main view)


Artwork named "Data-Block" : assembly of totems cybertrash by Rémy Tassou.

“Data Blocks”

Artwork named "Espio": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 (main view)


Artwork named "Random Access Memories" : Cybertrash sculpture by Rémy Tassou.

“Random Access Memories”

Artwork named "Scope": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view).


Artwork named "Anonymous": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view).


Artwork named ""Universal" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artworks named "Motorola": Cybertrash sculpture by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 View (main view).


Artwork named "Barracuda": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 view (main view)


Artwork named "Capacitor": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view).


Artworks named "Watson" : Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou (Main view)


Artwork named "Main Frame": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view).

“Main Frame”

Artwork named "BluRay": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view).

“Blu Ray”

Artwork named "Tag": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Polyswitch": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view)


Artwork named "Le Cloud 2": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Made of cdroms and butterflies (main view)

“The Cloud”


Artwork named "Enter": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Hard": Cybertrash totem sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Windbond": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Canon": Cybertrash totem sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Igem": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Table basse": Cybertrash totem sculpture by Rémy Tassou.

Coffee table”

Artwork named "Spindle": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Brushless": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Œuvre nommée "Dégage": totem Cybertrash de Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Great balls of fire": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.

“Great Balls of Fire”

Artwork named "Tatooine": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.


Artwork named "Club": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou (main view) (vignette)


Artwork named "Lazer": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou.



Artwork named "FM": cybertrash totem by Rémy Tassou. View of one face. (main view)


Artwork named "Blackberry": cybertrash totem by Rémy Tassou. (main view)


Artwork named "Folder": cybertrash totem by Rémy Tassou. (main view)


Artwork named "Line": cybertrash totem by Rémy Tassou. (main view)


Artwork named "Puzzle" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Megadrum": cybertrash totem by Rémy Tassou. (main view)


Artwork named "Module": sculpture cybertrash (totem) from sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Spring 2": cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view)


Artwork named "Display" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Columbus": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)




Artwork named "Second Life": cybertrash totem by Rémy Tassou. (main view)

“Second Life”

Artwork named "Sunny": sculpture cybertrash (totem) from sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Œuvre nommée "Crunch" : sculpture cybertrash (totem) du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Artwork named "E.Bloc" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Work named "Galileo": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Napster": sculpture cybertrash (totem) from sculptor Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Inbox" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Tape": cybertrash totem by Rémy Tassou. View of one face (main view)


Artwork named "Cybervarius" : cybertrash totem by Rémy Tassou. Front view (main view)


Artwork named "Mozilla": cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view)


Artwork named "Kryptonite": cybertrash totem by Rémy Tassou. One side view (main view, vignette)


Œuvre nommée "Real Player" : totem cybertrash by sculptor Rémy Tassou. one face (main view)

“Real Player”


Artwork named "Adobe": mural sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view)


Artwork named "Picasa": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. View of one face. (main view)


Artwork named "Space Invader": mural sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view)

“Space Invader”

Loading "B-Tree" - Thanks to wait


Artwork named "Show View": mural sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. Main View

“Show View”

Artwork named "Nice Device ": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view)

“Nice Device”

Artwork named "Twitter ": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. One angular view. (main view)


Artwork named "Ola": Cybertrash totem sculpture by Rémy Tassou. One 3/4 view (main wiew)


Artwork named "Bin": mural sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view)


Artwork named "Navigateur": mural sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou (main view)


Artwork named "Akaï ": mural sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou (main view)


Artwork named "Diapo ": mural sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou (main view)


Artwork named "Kony": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 view of one face (main view)


Artwork named "Leadis": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. View of one face (main view)


Artwork named "Zylog": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. One angular view (main view)


Artwork named "Arcade": cybertrash sculpture by Rémy Tassou (main view)


Loading "Galactika" - Thanks to wait



Artwork named Hopkins": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou (main view)


Artwork named "Fizz": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou (main view)


Artwork named "Terawatt": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou (main view)


Artwork named "Gamma": totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. One angular view (main view)


Artwork named "Megaoctet": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. View of one face. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Le Soufle Divin" (the divine breath): wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“The divine breath”

Artwork named "Dubbing": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Apple": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Samick": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Veritable peau de Cyborg" (True Cyborg Skin): wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“True Cyborg skin”

Artwork named "DJ": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Hot Line": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou (main view, vignette)

“Hot Line”


Artwork named "THX": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Warhol": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Cyberspace" (the divine breath): wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Fortran": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Electronic Garden": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“Electronic Garden”

Artwork named "Odessa": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Flash Gear": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“Flash Gear”

Artwork named "Alerte rouge": totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“Alerte Rouge”

Artwork named "Shuffle": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Phones imagine life" : totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 view (main view, vignette)

“Phones imagine life”

Artwork named "Fortran": totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. Main View.


Artwork named "Table Basse": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“Coffee table”

Artwork named "MP4": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (vue principale, vignette)


Artwork named "Netware": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou.(main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Be Bop": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“Be Bop”


Artwork named "Xenon": totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Iridium": totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (vue principale, vignette)


Artwork named "Keyboard": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "FM": totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Simul": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Gyricon": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Asic Ycsu": totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“Asic Ycsu”

Artwork named "Overcoat": totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Pop Cast": totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“Pop Cast”

Artwork named "Hal": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (vue principale, vignette)


Artwork named "Terminal": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Farad": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Sector": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Fish Eye": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“Fish Eye”

Artwork named "Ideck": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Loggin": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "CMS": cybertrash Totems by Rémy Tassou. Main View of one of the both artwork. (main view, vignette)



Artwork named "Panastar": totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Push": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Antistatic Lid": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“Antistatic Lid”

Artwork named "Calendrier de l'Avent": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“Calendrier de l’avant”

Artwork named "Ovni": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Popup": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Calendrier de l'Avent": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Megabasse": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Enter": wall sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Free Ware": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“Free Ware”

Artwork named "Dispatch": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Dumont": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Tone": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Tassoubaru": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Prestige" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main View.


Artwork named "IBM 3750" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“IBM 3750”

Artwork named "Play" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Wimax" : totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 view (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Haute Tension" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)

“High voltage”

Artwork named "Rewind" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Telec" : totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Telecom" : totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. 3/4 view (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Broadband" : totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Medusa" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view. butterflies (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Mobile" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named " Vapotron" : sculpture cybertrash by and with Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)



Chargement de "Cybergun" - Merci de patienter


Chargement de "Agena"- Merci de patienter


Chargement de "Blogueur"- Merci de patienter


Chargement de "Menu"- Merci de patienter


Artwork named "VGA": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Chargement de "VHS"- Merci de patienter


Artwork named "HTML": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Panavision" : thanks to wait


Œuvre nommée "Timer" : sculpture murale cybertrash de Rémy Tassou. (vue principale, vignette)


Artwork named "Path": totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Chargement de "Traxdata"- Merci de patienter


Chargement de "Megabass"- Merci de patienter


Artwork named "Blade": totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. Main view of a face.(vignette)


Chargement de "Mobber"- Merci de patienter


Chargement de "Skybridge"- Merci de patienter


Artwork named "Micral" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Work named "N'Gage": cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "GPS" : totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Imageur" : totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Mydoom" : totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Chargement de "Usenet" - Merci de patienter



Loading "Focal" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Itanium" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Bots" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Hoaxbuster" - Thanks to wait


Artwork named "Flashy" : totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Loading "Allo-Allo2" - Thanks to wait

“Allo Allo”

Loading "Sound" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Prologic" - Thanks to wait


Loading "3615" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Score" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Goupil" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Loudness" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Magnetron" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Sampler" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Terradata" - Thanks to wait


Chargement de "Access" - Merci de patienter


Loading "Digibox" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Hotspot" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Grid" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Bobinage" - Thanks to wait


Artwork named "Astra" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. (main view, vignette)


Artwork named "Décodeur" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette).


Loading "Bar" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Spam" - Thanks to wait



Artwork named "Wireless" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Loading "Fuji" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Web" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Snooze" - Thanks to wait


Loading "Magnetic" - Thanks to wait


Artwork named "Space Invader" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)

“Space Invader”

Chargement de "SM Batterie" - Merci de patienter

“SM Battery”

Artwork named "Ce Use Only" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)

“CE Use Only”

Artwork named "Simulator" : totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Artwork named "Indiana" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Artwork named "Miss Darlington" : totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)

“Miss Darlington”

Artwork named "WC" : totem sculpture cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Artwork named "Deflector" : totem cybertrash by Rémy Tassou. View from above (vignette)


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Œuvre nommée "Mégawatt" : sculpture cybertrash (totem) du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale (vignette)


Artwork named "Miss Chaterton": sculpture cybertrash (totem) from sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.

“Miss Chaterton”

Artwork named "République": sculpture cybertrash (totem) from sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Pal" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Régina" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Teraflop" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Kilo Hertz" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Artwork named "Hub" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Cracker" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Digital" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "The operator" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)

“The operator”

Artwork named "Guitare" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Médusa" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Yahoo" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Virus" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Œuvre nommée "Bip" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Artwork named "Microsillon" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Potar": sculpture cybertrash (totem) from sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Bluetooth" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Hal": sculpture cybertrash (totem) from sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Cyberspace": sculpture cybertrash (totem) from sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)


Artwork named "Wap" : cybertrash wall sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Œuvre nommée "Super Soccer" : sculpture cybertrash (totem) du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.

“Super Soccer”


Œuvre nommée "Scanner" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Œuvre nommée "Biopuce" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Œuvre nommée "Multimédia" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Œuvre nommée "Clear" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Œuvre nommée "Arpanet" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Œuvre nommée "Unix" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Artwork named "Transpac" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. vignette)


Œuvre nommée "Alpha" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Œuvre nommée "Médium" : sculpture cybertrash (totem) du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Œuvre nommée "Qubit" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Artwork named "Nurds" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Œuvre nommée "Windows" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Œuvre nommée "Record" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Artwork named "Platine" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)


Œuvre nommée "Module" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Artwork named "Phazing" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)


Œuvre nommée "Router" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Œuvre nommée "Si Dan Shou Sheng" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale. (vignette)

“Si Dan Shou Sheng”

Artwork named " Shu Bi Nan Shan" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.(vignette)

“Shou Bi Nan Shan”

Œuvre nommée "Mégabit" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Artwork named "Stake" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Artwork named "Genomix" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Œuvre nommée "Master" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Œuvre nommée "Undo" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Œuvre nommée "Tuning" : sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.



Artwork named "Equalizer": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Artwork named "Access": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Krypton": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Broche": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Nixdorf": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Turing": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Metrix": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Studio": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Midi": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Pick Up": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)

“Pick up”

Artwork named "Fusible": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Chat": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Neuroprocesseur": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Moog": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Linux": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Delete": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Artwork named "Ampoule": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Cathodique": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Quadri": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Incandescence": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Driver": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Œuvre nommée "Proxy" : sculpture murale cybertrash de Rémy Tassou. Vue rapprochée.


Artwork named "Big": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)

“Big Blue”

Artwork named "Compact": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Œuvre nommée "Jungle": sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale (vignette)


Artwork named "Octet": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)



Artwork named "Lux ": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Artwork named "Firewall": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)


Artwork named "Duplex": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)


Œuvre nommée "Light Sources" : sculpture cybertrash (totem) du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.

“Light Sources”

Artwork named "Tuner": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Floppy": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Artwork named "Athena": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Artwork named "Bogue": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Œuvre nommée "Vinyle": sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Œuvre nommée "Ethernet": sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Œuvre nommée "Token" : sculpture cybertrash (totem) du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Artwork named "Leica": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Artwork named "Chorus": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Artwork named "Neotron": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Artwork named "Voltage": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Œuvre nommée "Data": sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Œuvre nommée "Pôles": sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Artwork named "Explorer": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Œuvre nommée "Virgin" : sculpture cybertrash (totem) du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.



Artwork named "Fluides": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Saphir": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Decibel": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Power": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Hifi": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "DOS": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Scotch": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Rack": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Trinitron": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Œuvre nommée "Interface" : sculpture cybertrash (totem) du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.


Artwork named "Memory": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Kobol": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "TSF": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view (vignette)


Artwork named "Amperes": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)


Artwork named "Radiation": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)



Artwork named "Stator": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Cooling System": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.

“Cooling System”

Artwork named "Electronique": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Ventilo": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Disque Dur": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.

“Disque Dur”

Artwork named "Motors": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)


Artwork named "Sodium": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)


Artwork named "Nepers": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)


Artwork named "Basic": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Tension": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Spectrum": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Artwork named "Neonron": cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.


Œuvre nommée "La Machine": sculpture murale cybertrash du sculpteur Rémy Tassou. Vue principale.

“La machine”


Artwork named "Cybertrash" : cybertrash wall sculpture by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. Main view.
