Catalogue 2023 (GB)


Artwork named "Idagio : cybertrash wall sculpture by and with Rémy Tassou (acceuil double)


Artwork named "Prompt" : cybertrash wall sculpture by and with Rémy Tassou (verticale double)


Artwork named "Summit ": Cybertrash mural sculpture by Rémy Tassou. Main view. (vignette)

Artwork named "Deezer" : cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. View from an angle. (vue principale) (vignette)


Artwork named "Kodak": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. (a 3/4 view, main view) (Vignette)


Artwork named "Spintronic ": cybertrash Totem by Rémy Tassou. (main view)(vignette)


Artwork named "Grundig ": cybertrash sculpture (totem) by the sculptor Rémy Tassou. (verticale double)
